Nicky. In. Progress.

–and something about design, writing, being an art student and whatnot

Broken Dog

Erm… Dog (September 2011)

More old schoolwork that I just got around to scanning.

This one’s for Design Elements, and consequentially, my first B of college. Something to add though, my GPA was 3.7-something, two Bs (one being Design Elements, obviously). Should be a good grade, but it isn’t. Some people got straight As. Yes, grades do matter. I have to leave behind the pride of “not selling out” so I can get good grades, get honors, leaving me a slightly better chance at finding work.

Back to the drawing though, basically we were making compositions with patters and such. Thing is, I ‘assigned’ patterns onto different parts. The fur, for example, is in that pattern. If in another cutout of the fur it has a different pattern, I thought it’d look disjointed. So I didn’t “sell out”, but in turn I got a B.

Of course, my next B was in semester 2 and that was caused by just plain lack of skill in that department… which was tracing. Yes, tracing.

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